রাখাল চাকা

We have developed an interactive map to help you discover the numerous points of interest along the valley. Some well known, others not so well known. It is intended to be updated as an when new information becomes available. If you are aware of anything that is missing, or needs amending please Contact Us and let us know as much information as posible, including 'Links' that help verify the information.
It's designed to be used on your smartphone as you walk through the valley, helping you to discover features such as;
Architecture & Industry,
Landscape & Geology,
Trees & Flora,
Viewpoints & Historic Photos,
River & Water Sites,
Memorial Plaques & Seats, and
Maps & Paintings

For Android phones, click on the link above and it will open in either Google Maps or the Chrome browser.
Google Maps
You will have the blue location spot to identify your location and all the interactive links will work.
Chrome Browser
You can go to “Google Maps”, click “you”, click “maps”, click “Friends of Porter Valley guide”.

For Apple devices, it will help to have “Google Chrome” installed from the App store.
Click on the link above and the map will open in “Google Chrome” and all the interactive links will work.
If it opens into “Google Maps” (with blue location spot) unfortunately many of the links won’t work. If this is the case follow the Important Information instructions on the screen.

Many of the links contain photographs from that spot, both past and present, as well as some videos.
To view these, click on the image to open the photo in the photo viewer, and where there are more than one image you can swipe left or right to scroll through them.

Hiding The Map
Using Google Maps App, you can hide the interactive map if you are not using it.
Open the maps app.
At the bottom there are some options - click on 'You'

Then select the fopv map.

Once opened you should have the map and the option to view the legend like below.

Click on 'View map legend'.
This brings up options to 'share' or 'close'.

Click on 'Close' and that removes it from your view