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QAVS Crown

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QAVS Clear Back

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Download our interactive map and guide

GoogleMap Icon.png

For more details and instructions

We are currently seeking local stallholders, particularly those who sell crafts. (Please note that we limit stall types and we are currently not accepting charity or bric-a-brac stalls, and we already have sufficient food vendors).


Stallholders must be available for the entire day on 21st April, with setup starting at 10:30 and takedown after 15:30.

We charge 20% of the day's profits with a miniumum of £20.

All stallholders are required to bring their own stall and gazebo.


Interested vendors should contact our stall manager before the end of January.

Duck Race Stalls

To find out more about us, and the status of the valley as a Local Nature Reserve, click on the link here

چه خبر است

جزئیات رویدادها و فعالیت های ما در اینجا ارائه شده است. 

برای اطلاعات بیشتر روی یک رویداد کلیک کنید.

Our latest projects

The Endcliffe Park Toad

The Endcliffe Park Toad is a well known piece of public art, enjoyed by many who pass it.

The original wodden version was replaced in November with funds raised by us over the year, including fromm the annual duck race. However, we are still a little short of our orriginal target and so we continue to riase the final funds.

Toad 1_edited.jpg

Please help us raise the final funds to replace the Endcliffe Park Toad.

For more information see our dedicated Toad Page or click on the Donate Button here.

We are currently looking at improvements to

The Forge Dam Playground

In the Autumn of 2022 we completed a consultation of playground users and everyone with an interest in the Forge Dam area, and were pleased to receive nearly 180 suggestions and comments.

forge dam playground

We are working with those suggestions and comments, and are implementing as many as posible as and when funds permit.

Details of updates that we have made can be found on our blags about the playground. Take a look at that section for up to date information.

We are of course accepting donations via our own secure donation page. 


About the FoPV

Find out who we are and what we do

Rivers Trust Logo

The Rivers Trust

We are assisting the Rivers Trust in monitoring the sewage being put into the Porter.


Your Sightings

Contribute to the Nature Counts initiative with your sightings in the Porter Valley

Donation Jar

Make a Donation

Click on the this link for a list of our current projects, or sign up to easyfundraising below to get online shops to donate to us.

Help Raise Money for FoPV with.....

If you shop online you can get the shops you use to make a small donation to us without any cost to you.

By signing up to easyfundraising using the link below, you can download a reminder onto your computer which identifies shops you are about to shop with as ones that will make a donation to FoPV after you place your order. There is also an App for your phone if you prefer.

Thank you


©2022 توسط Friends of the Porter Valley

تاسیس 1994

خیریه ثبت شده شماره 1069865 (انگلیس و ولز)

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