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Der barê Hevalên Porter Valley


Qaweta çavdîtinê

Vîzyona me ev e ku em ekolojî, perestgeh û mîrateya çandî ya Geliyên Porter û Mayfield biparêzin, biparêzin û sererast bikin ji bo kêfa hemîyan û berjewendiya nifşên pêşerojê.

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Erdnîgarî û xwezaya Geliyê

Porter Brook radibe ser  zozanên li jor Sheffield û 10 km rojhilatî diherike nav dilê bajêr.  Its  gelî korîdorek kesk a xwezayî çêdike ku ber bi zozanên vekirî yên Navçeya Peak ve diçe  Parka Neteweyî û xaniyên teraskirî û  rêyên qelebalix li dora Hunters Bar.  Di dema daketina xwe de Porter bi qasî 340 dikeve  metre di nav perestgehek ku her gav diguhere. Ew bi hişk ve girêdide  Geliyê birîn û daristanî yê Porter Clough ber bi dîmenek nermtir, çandinî ya  çiyayên kesk ên bi mêrgên kevneşopî û avahiyên kevir. Wê hingê  di bermahiyên arkeolojîk ên mîrateya meya pîşesazî ya destpêkê re derbas dibe  (weirs, millponds, millraces and dams) û li ser kevntir û  daristanên nîv-xwezayî. Ew ber bi şahî û xemilandî ve diçe  parkên li Bingham û Endcliffe yên ku ji bo mebestên civakî hatine çêkirin  sedsala 19. Dûv re çem li tenişta Rêya Ecclesall dikeve kendalên binerdê û ber bi rojhilat ve diherike û ber bi Goristana Giştî ve diherike.  Navenda Bajarê Sheffield ku li binê stasyona trenê beşdarî çemê Sheaf bibe. "Friends of the Porter Valley" di sala 1994-an de hate saz kirin ku parastin û  ji bo taybetmendiyên xwezayî û dîrokî yên Porter Valley zêde bikin  berjewendiya giştî.  


Aliyên ekolojîk

Hin 5 km ji  binê geliyê û çemên jorîn ên şaxê wê, May Brook, di Pêşkeftina Bajarvaniyê de "Qadên Eleqeya Dîroka Xwezayî" hatin destnîşankirin.  Plan (UDP) ji ber ku gelî sermayek girîng a ekolojîk dihewîne. Ji hêla botanîkî ve ev civak ji çend blokên daristanên daristana kevnar ên bi pêşandanên balkêş ên kulîlkên biharê û funkên payîzê pêk tê; şûşa nîvxwezayî, çem û hewz  jîngeh; Li kêleka geliyê şil 'fluşên' ku cureyên kêm dihewîne; mêrgên kulîlkên kevin ên dewlemend ên cûreyek ku bi lez ji gundan winda dibin û çîmenên asîd ên ku di payîzê de bi tîrêjên mûmê ronî dibin. Rêzkirin  zozanên ku li herêmê wekî "bendavên" têne zanîn jî bi girîngî tevkariyê li wê dike  ekolojiya geliyê tevî ku ew di rewşek xirab a tamîrkirinê de ne  çend kes diherikin û hemî diherikin.


Rêyên avê piştgirî didin an  faunaya zêde ya zozanan, zozanan, masîgirên qral, heron, kêzikan û  yên din bêwertebratorên ava şirîn, dema ku mêrg û hedgerows mal in  gelek cureyên bilbil û mêşan. Dar piştgirîya gelek çûkan dikin, di nav de  mêhvanên havînê yên wekî şûjina bilûrê û çîf-çef, û tevahiya salê  naskirîyên wek du cureyên daran, daran, gûzan, çîtik û  corvids, di nav de rookeyek demdirêj li Bendava Forge. Mamik tê de  çend cureyên zozanan ên ku li ser bendavan difirin, rovî,  golên avê û çend civakên badger.  Bi naskirin û rêvebirina bi guncan wan beşên geliyê yên ku di peydakirina vê cihêrengiya biyolojîk de rolek sereke dilîzin, em dixwazin piştrast bikin ku bikarhênerên hemî beşên Geliyê Porter dê berdewam bikin ku rûbirûyê rêzek bîranînê bibin.  yên jîngeha kovî. Ev di nav de deverên dûr ji binê geliyê ku ji hêla tora peyarê û rêçikên bêdeng ve têne gihîştin vedihewîne.  


Bingham Park

Amenity and recreational value

Urban parks were created throughout Britain in the 19th century as a response to the often appalling urban environment brought about by industrialisation and rapid population growth. They are still a vital amenity in our 21st century lives. The whole Porter Valley, except for Endcliffe Park, lies entirely within the Green Belt. It also forms a significant part of the Sheffield Round Walk and a Strategic Cycle Route out to the Peak District. Because the valley provides a direct link between the city and the countryside it is used extensively by people from all over the city and beyond. Its accessibility and unique atmosphere appeal particularly to the communities along its flanks, to Sheffield schools, ramblers, cyclists, and nature lovers. There are several frequently used access points from the roads and footpaths that border on, or run across, the Porter. Half a million people may use the Valley every year; and over 30% come from parts of Sheffield other than the nearby relatively affluent wards of Broomhill, Hallam, and Ecclesall. 


Archaeological Aspects

Man has inhabited this Valley since Palaeolithic times but the most obvious evidence of human impact is the sequence of dams. In the 18th century the Porter Brook was one of Sheffield’s intensively used industrial streams and drove 20 mills mostly for the manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and other metal products.  All but 6 of the original 20 millponds have disappeared over the years as their original industrial use declined and the valley became a focus for leisure.  What remains is an attractive linear amenity and wildlife habitat studded with features of exceptional historic interest.


The dams provide a compelling thread of interest to the linear valley walk. Unusual features are that the mills were constructed for the metal (e.g. cutlery) trades and not preceded by corn mills. Forge Dam impounds the full flow of the stream, whereas all other dams use the by-pass system. Wire Mill once had the largest diameter wheel in Sheffield. Many of the remaining monuments and buildings in the valley have listed Grade II status and Shepherd Wheel, a water-powered grinding hull and dam, is a scheduled Ancient Monument. A conservation area encompasses Fulwood Chapel, Forge Dam and Wire Mill Dam.


The UDC map also shows an “Area of Special Character” on the northern slopes of the valley from Harrison Lane down into the brook bottom. In 2001 Endcliffe Park was included in the South Yorkshire county volume of English Heritage’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special  Historic Interest as a grade II site. The whole Valley was given grade II listing by English Heritage in 2002 in recognition of its unique mosaic of features. 


It is a landscape that has appealed to English Heritage’s interest in “the engine room” of our 18th and 19th century heritage. Neil Cossons, a former President of English Heritage, recognised the importance of the national heritage of waterways, mills, and workers’ cottages. The Porter Valley retains examples of this heritage. 


The Porter Valley is also recognised as linear parkland of particular and historic interest. Patrick Abercrombie’s 1924 civic survey for Sheffield City Council describes the Porter Valley as follows “The Porter Brook Parkway, consisting as it does of a string of contiguous open spaces, is the finest example to be found in this country of a radial park strip, an elongated open space, leading from a built–up part of the city direct into the country, the land occupied being a river valley and so for the greater part unsuitable for building.  As compared  with the finite quality of an ornamental park of more or less square shape, there is a feeling of movement in a continuous park strip …….the human being  ….is lead onwards until the open countryside is reached.“ 


FoPV is run by volunteer trustees who give their time and efforts to the above.

To find out who does what, see our meet the trustees page 

©2022 ji hêla Friends of the Porter Valley

1994 hatiye damezrandin

Xêrxwaziya Qeydkirî No. 1069865 (Engilîstan & Wales)

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