Sibehên Kar
As one of nearly 90 Friends' groups in Sheffield, we work in partnership with the Sheffield Parks Department to ensure that our green spaces are well-used and maintained. Sheffield boasts one of the largest number of 'Friends Of' groups in the UK in comparison with other major cities.
To help with that we meet with the Parks Department at the start of each year to discuss what we can do to help, and organise Work Mornings where those tasks can be undertaken.
These take place on the 2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday in each month, staring at 9:45am until 1pm. For more details about where we meet each time, please see the calendar entry on our home page.
Duyemîn Pêncşemê û 4ê Sêşema her mehê Sibehek Kar e ku di 10ê sibehê de dest pê dike û dora 13:00 diqede.
Ger hûn dixwazin beşdarî me bibin, ji kerema xwe bi organîzatorê ku di têketina salnameyê de ji bo wê rojê hatî xuyang kirin têkilî daynin. Ji bo tarîx û xalên civînê salnameyê li ser rûpelê malê bibînin.
Em bi Rangers re hevdîtin dikin û bi karên pratîkî yên ku hewce dikin re têkildar dibin;
Paqijkirina zozanan,
Birîna nebatên ku li ser rêyan dikevin,
Hilbijartina zibil, û gelek çalakiyên din.
Ji kerema xwe serdana beşa Blogê ya malpera me bikin da ku hûn li ser çalakiyên me yên Sibeha Karê berê bixwînin.
Ger pirsên we yên din hebin ji kerema xwe bi lînka li serê vê rûpelê bi me re têkilî daynin.
PLI Insurance
The cover we have with our insurer also covers our volunteers whilst taking part in any of our organised activities, irrespective of their membership status.
You can see our full statement about our PLI on the 'Documents' page
Work Morning Blogs
Keep upto date with all the activity we have been upto on our work mornings by looking through our blogs below.