Hello Conservation Volunteers
A big thank you to all of the 19 volunteers who turned out on a miserable, damp and grey day yesterday. It was another satisfying and enjoyable work morning and at least it didn't rain!
Work on tackling the self sets at Bingham Park was done by Glyn and his team and the woods are now flowering and greatly improved.
Over at Forge Dam in Festival Woodland, Peter and his team mapped another 20+ trees making it now 103 trees in total which have been mapped in the eastern end of FW. Susan Turner was present and identified most of the 80 trees mapped previously. A tree which had fallen down recently (and fortunately not mapped!) was also cut and moved away from the path and benches. A trial of using aluminium labels instead of white paint on the trees has begun.
The path edges alongside Forge Dam have been cleared all the way to the bridge and the drainage improved to reduce overspill onto the path making it look much tidier.
A team continued to work on cutting the laurel and bushes back above the cafe which has opened up the view above the cafe.
Another team worked with Matt Coster, our ranger, to continue the rebuild of the dry stone wall on the picnic area below the playground which slowly but surely is now starting to rise and take shape. A special thanks to Matt who continued to work on the wall in the afternoon after the rest of us had gone home!
Ann has planted some more plants in the flower bed opposite the store. This area is much improved with the plants now starting to develop and the temporary barriers appear to be doing their job of stopping people trampling all over it. So much better than the trampled bare earth as was. Andy Phillips has arranged for some additional spare plants to be dropped off for us to add to the planting.
Chris checked the reptile trays only to find two trays/sheets have disappeared. It is a mystery. Has somebody cleared them away in good faith thinking they were dumped? And there are still no reptiles under the remaining sheets!
The next work morning is on Thursday 10th June. The usual email nearer the time will be sent out requesting volunteers.