Hello Conservationist Volunteers
Thank you to the 27 volunteers who attended yesterday morning's work session where the early drizzle and threatening rain held off for the entire morning.
We had one small group working in Wilson's Field clearing another patch of brambles which will be planted with wild flowers. This is a long term project between the local community and Sheffield Parks with this being the final session for FoPV work mornings here for the time being but we will return some time in the future.
The rest of the groups were at Forge Dam where the majority of volunteers including those from DWP were clearing the island and wet woodland of Himalayan Balsam. Three balsam plants on the island hid themselves away and could only be seen from the dam side in deep mud, however the DWP group went above and beyond on their way back from the wet woodland and waded across the dam and mud to pull them out!
There is still one large area of balsam in the wet woodland which needs clearing at the next session.
Leonie and Janet had a busy morning cutting back brambles and removing trailing plants across the path which goes up to the Health Authority, before finally sweeping up to produce results which by all accounts was to National Trust Park standards! People can now walk freely on the concrete path and should not have the need to walk on the grass and soil at the side which has been eroded.
The area designated for planting above the newly finished wall section which in places was like concrete, was mattocked and forked to produce a fine tilth, and then backfilled to up to the new wall section. Tricia and Ann planted various plants donated by volunteers and also some which had been left for us by Sheffield Parks - thanks for arranging that Andy P.
The temporary fencing around the wall area has been moved in to show this part is now complete (bar some soil to be removed from under the wall). There were many appreciative comments from people as they passed by about how much better this area now looked with the completed wall and plants in situ.
Dave and his team started work to clear the oblong area above the cafe which was once the boat house. It was chock full of holly, brambles, nettles and trees and also some shuttlecock ferns (apparently!) which Ann had us remove to be planted in the area above the newly finished wall section. Great inroads were made in clearing this area but there is further work required.
Peter, with his trusty step ladder, continued to label the trees above head height to deter trophy hunters and has now finished labelling all those which are easily accessible. He will return in the winter to do those which are currently deep in brambles and nettles. Encouragingly, no further labels have been removed.
The next work morning is Thursday 12th August. The usual email nearer the time will be sent out requesting volunteers.
A Selection of photos from the work morning
Dave Clegg and Dave Magill in the boat house area

Dave Clegg and John Hobson

At the end of the morning session

Janet working on the path up to the Health Authority

Health Authority path at the end of the morning

Nick and Tricia digging and planting

Newly planted section on the left with the temporary safety fence removed

End of the morning session! Nick and Lyndon.