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FoPV Work Morning roundup - 14 October 2021

Dave Clegg

Thank you to those who came along to today's work morning and for your stirling efforts. We were supported by Belinda (Be) Wiggs, Council Ecologist, and Matt Costa, our Council Ranger and James his colleague. The desilting contractors, Sanctus, are carrying out preparatory work prior to the desilting project starting in earnest and a group of volunteers spent the morning transferring interesting plants from the island to a temporary location. Be provided invaluable advice on what plants to move and conserve.They will be moved back once the project is complete. Another group, led by Nick, laboured in the Wiremill goit and in the river in the seemingly endless struggle to improve the flow of water to Wiremill dam. Some real progress was made. Meanwhile Peter was leading a group in Festival Woodland reducing the rampant bramble growth. A very big job. Ann was tidying the store and carrying out an essential PR role explaining the desilting project to members of the public. The next work morning is on Tuesday 26th once again at Forge Dam, I think. Thanks again Dave

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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