Hello Conservation Volunteers,
Many thanks to those who came along to the work morning last Thursday.
Quite a few people were away or unavailable but we still had about 12 people present. We achieved what had been planned some time ago but could not be carried out because of the bird nesting season. In particular a first inspection for some time and a tidy up in Festival Woodland was carried out.

Also Matt lead a group to clear sight lines over the dam from the corner above the spillway below the footpath running along the south side of the dam. A bench is to be sited at this location so that people can enjoy the view over the dam.

The next work morning is at Forge Dam on Tuesday 27th September. A reminder and details will be issued nearer the date. A tanned Lyndon will no doubt be there, back from his vacances in the south of France.
Hope to see you then.
Dave Clegg.