Hello Conservation Volunteers
Another big thank you to all the volunteers who attended our Thursday morning work session at Forge Dam.
This time we all ventured into the wet woodland for a Himalayan balsam pulling session, although it isn't very wet at the moment and certainly not boggy, but on a hot day was relatively cool and pleasant due to the shade provided by the trees. We do advise volunteers to wear wellingtons but it was dry enough to walk on with just a good pair of walking shoes (which didn't even get muddy) and even more of a bonus, there were no midges or other biting insects!
After the recent balsam pulling sessions a vast majority has been cleared already this year, but as always there is more to find and be pulled. Although the large plants in flower are easy to spot there are a lot of smaller ones without flowers about a foot or so tall hiding in the brambles which if they can be found and pulled will significantly reduce the numbers producing seed next year. Hilary managed to find one of the tallest plants we have seen and it will no longer be spreading its invasive seeds!
Just as we were leaving another large area full of balsam was noticed so we will be back next time to eradicate it - what3words https://w3w.co/salads.trend.pines
A special thanks to Mandy for providing the flapjack cake which was most welcome to keep up the energy levels!
The next work morning is on Tuesday 23rd August. An email will be sent out requesting volunteers nearer the time.
A Selection of photos from the work morning
Who's that lurking in the bushes......?

.....it's Mandy and Hilary!

Hilary with the large Himalyan balsam plant

Lyndon and Mandy

Trekking back at the end of the morning session