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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Thursday 13th February 2025

Writer: LyndonLyndon

Hello Conservation Volunteers

Although our latest work morning was bitterly cold if just stood around at least it was dry for all our volunteers for the various tasks we had in store around and downstream of Forge Dam and would certainly keep them warm!

The main task of the morning was for more snowberry clearing in the same area we had previously worked on. The large group were well supplied this time with additional mattocks and forks to add to the FoPV collection (essential to rip out snowberry by the roots) dropped off by Ranger Matt to tackle this non-native and invasive shrub. On their way down the group came across a large fallen branch sticking out onto the bridleway which could cause injury, so Charles and Heather returned to the store for bowsaws to cut it up and remove. Another good session by the group to clear most of the snowberry near the NHS path.

Back at Forge Dam a small group moved the plastic grids which had been removed during the works for the new gravel area opposite the cafe and had been piled up on the bankside and are now stacked behind the store. After that it was clearing logs and branches that were in the dam before doing drainage work in the north-west corner. Mud and debris on the path around the dam has also been cleared.

To finish off, a desire line cutting across the north-west corner was blocked with brash at both ends to deter walkers and therefore help restore it. However, over the weekend somebody has deemed it upon themselves to remove the brash from both ends and subsequently allow people to continue to walk over it. It saves about 10 seconds. The proper path is clear and not muddy since volunteers had previously restored the bottom of it with hardcore and improved drainage. There is no reason to not use the proper path. All the work we do is either suggested or authorised by the Rangers or Parks.

Interestingly, some pristine scarlet elf cups were found both down near the snowberry patch and also near the edge of the Wet Woodland on decaying and moss covered wood.

Mandy was unable to join us but had ensured we weren't to go without some nourishment at the end of the morning session and had left some date and pear traybake with pecans on Chris N's doorstep to bring along - another winner!

We were also joined for the morning by Hannah Norbury and her cameraman Phil from ITV Calendar to do a piece on the spillway leak. Mike was generally doing the chaperoning and taking photos for our Facebook page whilst Ann was doing all the talking but I was asked if I could be interviewed for my comments - not something I was expecting. Unfortunately, they managed to spell my name wrong when it went out later that evening.

Poor old Phil was still there in the bitter cold uploading the footage to ITV servers for Hannah to edit well after we had all left!

If you missed the report you can find it here

The next work morning is on Tuesday 25th February. An email will be sent out nearer the time with details.

A Selection of photos from the work morning

Snowberry clearers


....and all out by the roots

Chris S in the middle of a large patch

Fallen branch jutting out onto the bridleway....

....and cleared

Moving the plastic grids

Clearing the drain gulley in the north-west corner

John, Roger and Chris N on their way back after clearing the path

Cleared path

Brash across the desire it was

Scarlet elf cup

Filming for Calendar News

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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