Hello Conservationist Volunteers
A big thank you to all of the 33 volunteers, including those from DWP, who turned out yesterday on a lovely, warm and sunny day, although the pollen count was extremely high for those of us who suffer with hay fever and were struggling by the end of the morning session!
We had one group working again in Wilson's Field clearing brambles whilst the remaining groups were at Forge Dam.
The main task at Forge Dam was clearing the Himalayan Balsam from the island and in the wet woodland. There does not appear to be as much of it on the island as in previous years, but it is a few weeks late this year so more might spring up in the coming weeks, however there was still plenty in the wet woodland. We will be having more sessions on future work days to clear as much as is possible.
Peter has now affixed metal labels which have the names of the trees in English to all the trees Susan Sylvestris has identified so far in Festival Woodland. However, he discovered that somebody has stolen some of those he had previously nailed to trees up the main path to School Green Lane. He has now replaced these higher up the tree trunks so we will have to monitor the situation to see if they are stolen again along with any others. It's very disappointing somebody should do this.
Linda and her team returned to the path up by the Health Authority to cut back more bushes to make the path easier and safer to navigate. This will require another session to complete it.
Chris and his team cut more wood into short lengths and created a second woodpile and have now used all the straight lengths of wood which has tidied up this area of Festival Woodland.
Now that part of the wall is complete, the barren area above it by the steps was mattocked and forked over to allow Tricia and Elizabeth to plant a good collection of plants donated by volunteers to totally transform this small area. Quite a transformation from the last work morning! Once more plants are planted and they become established, this whole stretch of path along to the cafe should look more pleasing to passers-by next year. Pictures attached.
A small team continued to work on the wall.
The next work morning is Tuesday 27th July. The usual email nearer the time will be sent out requesting volunteers.
A Selection of photos from the work morning
Before planting above the completed wall section

After planting

The second woodpile taking shape. The first woodpile can be seen in the background

Triffid or Himalyan Balsam?

DWP workers enjoying themselves pulling out the Himalayan Balsam