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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Tuesday 22nd February 2022

Writer: LyndonLyndon

Hello Conservation Volunteers

Thank you once again to all the volunteers who turned out for our latest work morning on a very wet and windy day which both thankfully stopped once we started work!

Due to the inclement weather we had to cancel planned tasks at Oliver's Bridge and Porter Clough but instead concentrated on clearing paths and drainage around Forge Dam after the recent storms.

One group tackled the main path entrance opposite Fulwood Old Chapel where the path was flooded and covered in mud. As well as clearing the path they discovered water running down a gulley at the side of the road was actually entering the park at the gate entrance, and hence contributing to the flooding on the path. They have cleared the gulley at the top and diverted it onto the grass area above the path for now and we will have to see if this alleviates the flooding issue on the path itself.

Another group headed over to the head goit to firstly clear the debris which had built up behind the grilled culvert (the one which has the restoration plaque on it) which was causing the water to dam up and overflow around it into the goit rather than under it. After then clearing the remainder of the goit of debris they ventured up to Quiet Lane to clear blocked gulleys.

A large group armed with mattocks and forks dug over the compacted soil on the whole border opposite the playground round to the main entrance gate in preparation for planting on future work mornings and also roped it off.

The path on the green below the playground had become flooded due to the drain becoming blocked with silt and mud but once this had been removed the water soon drained away.

The bridal path which goes up from the Button Factory to the south side of the dam had turned into a raging stream washing away part of the path in the process so a small group went to investigate. A culvert which drained into a buried drainage pipe was overflowing due to the pipe being blocked. After rodding it a few times with plumbers rods (and losing one in the pipe which was fortunately retrieved!) the blockage was finally dislodged and the water started to flow down the pipe and into the brook at the bottom. However, a broken pipe slightly further up the path had been totally crushed and was broken, also spilling water down the path. Due to the damage this section needs replacing by the relevant authority but a temporary repair was made to prevent water running down the path by utilising an old log, stones and mud as a dam and divert the water into the gulley.

A well overdue task to clear out the store and tidy it up was undertaken by Dave's group. It has never looked as tidy!

The next work morning is on Thursday 10th March 2022. The usual email will be sent out nearer the time requesting volunteers.


A Selection of photos from the work morning

Path opposite Fulwood Old Chapel before clearing

Path after clearing

Steve and Rachel clearing and diverting the water in the gulley

Head goit before clearing with water damming up and flowing around the grate

Head goit after clearing

Starting to Mattock the border. The flooded path below can be seen

Drain cleared

Chris and Leonie mattocking

Peter with his birthday present from his daughter!

The finished border ready for planting

The bridal path before

Uncovering the drainage pipes

After rodding

Broken drainage pipe

Building a temporary diversion into the gulley

After repairs with water no longer runing down the path

The tidy store!

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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