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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Writer: LyndonLyndon

Hello Conservation Volunteers

Thank you to all those who came to our work morning yesterday. We had 20 volunteers in total on various tasks around Forge Dam on what turned out to be a rather biting midgy morning!

John helped by Linda, Hilary and Rowena were busily making willow hoops ready for making into Christmas wreaths which will be available to buy on the weekends of 4/5 and 11/12 December at Forge Dam. Eighty in total were made during the morning session.

Peter led a large team again on the steep bank above the dam and together they cleared a large area of brambles which has made a tremendous improvement in this rather neglected corner. There is still more to be cleared including the removal of the roots.

A small team along with Matt our Ranger, made their way along the head goit to Wire Mill Dam after first closing the sluice gate entrance to the goit. The first issue to address was the culvert which goes under the goit where the "Head Goit" restoration plaque is displayed. Due to a large build up of silt behind it, water had been flowing around this rather than through it and under the goit down to the river. After this was cleared out and the plaque given a clean up, the team headed to the grill at the end of the goit which had only been cleared out recently. More silt and debris was removed and the sluice gate was then re-opened. After about 10 minutes the water was flowing through to the other side of the culvert where more debris clearing took place. Eventually the water started flowing fast into Wire Mill Dam which is desperately needed as the water level is low again.

The team then walked back along the bottom path by the river digging channels to take water which is leaking from the goit and pooling on the path below, away and into the river. At one point they found a broken flagstone over a culvert which had previously been covered in leaves and mud and they placed a warning cone on top. Hopefully it is still there and has not been thrown into the river!

The next work morning is on Thursday 9th December The usual email will be sent out nearer the time requesting volunteers.


A Selection of photos from the work morning

A section of the brambles before clearing

The same section after clearing- quite a difference!

John, Linda, Hilary and Rowena making willow hoops

Matt and Nick clearing silt at the "Head Goit" restoration plaque site

After clearing and cleaning. The wall on the right shows the depth of where the silt had been.

Nick, Dave, Simon and Matt clearing silt and leaves at the grill entrance

The broken flagstone on top of the culvert.

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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