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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Tuesday 24th May 2022

Writer: LyndonLyndon

Hello Conservation Volunteers Once again a big thank you to all those who attended our Tuesday morning work session where we had groups at both Porter Clough and Forge Dam.

At Forge Dam Dave Clegg led a team to complete the installation of a rope fence along the entrance path up to the yew tree near the cafe. The fence posts which we have been waiting on for 4 months apparently were delivered to the Botanical Gardens some two weeks after ordering and took some tracking down - thanks Matt! The team installed the additional posts and rope links up to the yew tree to replace the plastic blue temporary posts. They started on the section at the other side of the steps opposite the playground where they found the ground was much harder and will require some better digging tools to complete this section.

Up at Porter Clough the task was to replace two rotting benches, one of which had already been removed in the previous work session. The team started on the logistically easiest one first where the supplies and equipment could be dropped off at the top of Porter Clough close to the bench location. Unfortunately, after digging out the old posts, we found the new posts were longer and needed much deeper holes digging with an assortment of metal poles, post shovels and a post hole digger, plus a helping hand from our very own mole, Steve, scooping loose soil out by hand at a full arms length!

In Autumn we will return to this location and cut down the self sets in front of the bench to restore the view to the valley below for those taking a breather.

The second bench location made it a task in itself to carry the supplies and equipment before even starting to dig! Due to the difficulty in transporting equipment to this location, Matt had procured some much larger, sturdier legs for this bench so they will last longer before needing to be replaced, which hopefully should be about 15 years. The downside to this was that the holes had to be much deeper, a good 3 feet! Both bench legs are now in place but need the seat top fixing to them.

A special thanks goes out to Mandy who brought some Lincolnshire plum cake up to Porter Clough which was well received by the team (but sadly no coffees!).

The next work morning is on Thursday 9th June 2022 where we will be working in and around Bluebell Wood. Dave Clegg will be leading this session. Please meet at the car park at Wire Mill Dam at 9:45am. Pre-registration will not be required. Any queries please contact Dave Clegg <>


A Selection of photos from the work morning

Chris, Peter and Steve dismantling the old, rotten bench

Digging the post holes

Steve the human mole in action

Matt drilling pilot holes for the 6 inch nails

Finally installed

The safety test! Steve, Chris, Peter and Matt

Digging post holes for the second bench

Posts in place, ready for the seat top to be affixed

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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