Hello Conservation Volunteers
Once again we had a great turn out of 23 volunteers on a very cold and misty morning, so a big thank you to all of those who worked on various tasks between Forge Dam and the top of Porter Clough.
At Forge Dam, a large group was tackling the brambles, holly and self sets in Festival Woodland, one of those never ending tasks, but at least they had a first class view of the diggers in action removing silt from the dam!
Hilary led a group up to Oliver's Bridge (once they found it, much further up the hill than they thought!), just above the waterfall; what3words crisp.aspect.often, grid reference SK29258444). It was in a sorry state covered in brambles and which Matt had cut an initial pathway through the previous week. On their way up they took the opportunity to clear all the footbridges and once at Oliver's Bridge they removed small self sets, pruned the large sapling growing out of the side of the brook wall, removed brambles from around the stonework and generally tidied it up.
On their way back down they cleared some culverts, cut back growth around seats and removed holly which was encroaching onto the path.
Further up at the top of Porter Clough, Matt led a large group again to continue and extend digging out blocked ditches to divert the water which had been flowing onto and eroding the paths. One of the ditches in the previous session was extended to capture more of the water flowing off the hill side, and a french drain which had been discovered and cleared out last time was repaired with new stakes although it will probably need to be replaced in full in the near future.
A blocked drainage pipe which had been causing water to flow over the path and cause some serious erosion was cleared out with plumbers rods and is now clear.
When we next have some heavy rain we will be checking to see how well the drainage is working overall and which areas still needs attention.
The next work morning is on Thursday 10th February 2022. The usual email will be sent out nearer the time requesting volunteers.
A Selection of photos from the work morning
Tidying up at the bottom of Festival Woodland - holly cut back

Oliver's Bridge before being cleared

Oliver's Bridge after being cleared

Blocked pipe overflowing onto the path back in December causing serious erosion

Rob rodding out the blocked drainage pipe and showing damage to the path

Matt repairing the french drain

Digging out the ditch

Dave looking bemused - "I can't understand where this water is coming from"

"Aren't you supposed to be digging and not taking photos?"!

Rob attending to Mark after suffering bramble backlash!

The completed ditch