Hello Conservation Volunteers
A big thank you to all the 17 volunteers who turned out for our latest work morning around Forge Dam, yet again on a sunny autumn morning but with a partial eclipse thrown in this time, although I think we were all too busy to notice it!
Five of the group including our latest volunteer Jago, worked on clearing the goit to Wiremill Dam which was full of leaves and debris. Dave M and Chris started on clearing the grill at the end of the goit which was badly clogged up whilst Jago, Barry and myself started from the bridge end clearing out the leaves and other debris. The large drain which goes underneath the goit was clear this time, but the FoPV plaque was given a quick rub down to remove the grime.
On the opposite side of the footpath further along the bank, the goit had become narrow with leaves and sticks plus an accumulation of silt which required dragging to the bank side to widen the channel. As Dave and Chris were doing the same from the grill the two parties eventually met up, cleared up and called it a good morning's work, albeit a muddy one!
Up in Festival Woodland, Dave C led the rest of the group to thin out some self-sets, holly and brambles and give it a general tidy up. The timber cut down has been sawn into smaller lengths and stacked up for the insects and wildlife to use.
The next work morning is on Thursday 10th November. An email will be sent out nearer the time with details requesting volunteers for the various tasks.
A Selection of photos from the work morning
Jago with the clean plaque

Leaves and debris narrowing the width of the goit

Jago and Barry working their way along the goit

Grill and goit bank cleared

Dave and Chris clearing up

Finished for the day!