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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Tuesday 27th September 2022


Hello Conservation Volunteers

Well, they say many hands make light work and that certainly was the case for our latest work morning on Tuesday where we had 23 volunteers turn up on a lovely sunny but cool Autumn morning to help tidy up around Shepherd Wheel, including 3 new volunteers, Mel, Ben, and Barry. Hopefully they enjoyed their morning and will return for future sessions with us.

A line of yellow hi-vis FoPV jackets could be seen stretching along the entire length of the dam, hard at work clearing the ledge which runs along the dam side of all the overgrown vegetation which was over head height in places and obscuring from view a large portion of the dam for those walking along the path. The large plants and trees if left could damage the dam wall so needed removing. The whole length of the shelf was cleared apart from a large purple plant which was still in flower and was left for the insects.

Various water loving plants which had developed into large "mats" spreading out into the dam were also removed. One such large mat took 4 people to drag it away!

The dam has become covered in masses of weed this year, so Rob, Phil and Dave M were using the FoPV home-made special weed rake to drag weed out, although they did seem to be spending more time repairing it than actually throwing it in! For now, the weed which was removed has been left on the shelf and will be removed when it has dried out, but we also need to return to remove more weed.

To finish off, Ann had reported water running into the Shepherd Wheel workshop when it rains so the drain outside the door was cleared of muck and gravel and the drainage pipe rodded to ensure it was not obstructed.

The next work morning is on Thursday 13th October where we will have groups at both Porter Clough and Bingham Park. An email will be sent out with details requesting volunteers for the various tasks nearer the time.


A Selection of photos from the work morning

At the start of the morning session showing height and density of the vegetation

Yes Mandy we can see you!

Rob about to throw the weed rake with Dave M holding the rope - don't let go Dave!

Pulling the weed out. Love the hat Matt!

Weed piled on the cleared shelf at the end of the session. A small patch of water cleared of weeds can be seen

At the end of the session, the shelf has been transformed with just the small purple plant remaining where Mandy and Peter are standing

Workshop rain rodded and cleared out

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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