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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Tuesday 28th September 2021

Writer: LyndonLyndon

Hello Conservation Volunteers

Thank you to all of the 18 volunteers for their hard work yesterday in what was another productive work morning, and once more in fine weather before the afternoon's torrential downpours!

Unfortunately the much needed session for further work on clearing the goit and "rodding" the culvert under the bridge had to be cancelled (along with the earlier cancellation of collecting of plants from the island) due to health and safety concerns which was out of our control. However there were still plenty of alternative tasks for the volunteers.

A team led by Matt our Park Ranger cleared an area on the far side of dam, just past the Graves monument stone, of all the self setts to open up a view to the dam. It must be a few years since anybody could actually see the dam from here, this side of the dam has become very overgrown recently. Meanwhile Nick, a visiting Park Ranger for the day, took a team of DWP volunteers to work on clearing the path which runs from the dam to Quiet Lane.

Another team led by Dave removed the final remnants of self sets and laurel cuttings from the old boathouse area which is now clear and awaiting the Parks Dept/Rangers to move in with chain saws and stump grinders for final clearance of the thick stumps. The wheelbarrow which broke in a previous session has been repaired and returned by Peter with a much improved and stronger design!

Opposite the playground, Tricia and Janet completed the planting of more plants kindly donated by volunteers on the area around the tree encompassed by the newly rebuilt wall. The mounds of soil left over from the rebuilding in front of the wall have now been cleared away and landscaped by Nick G, and along with the plants on top of the wall this area is vastly improved and should look more pleasing to visitors come next Spring and Summer.

Ann turned up with a brand new "A" board on which we can display information and messages to keep the passing public informed of the work being undertaken by the FoPV volunteers, however she had omitted to bring a chalk to write on it! Fortunately the cafe had some and once we found somebody within the volunteers who had hand writing that didn't look like a spider's scrawl (thanks Tricia!) it was proudly positioned in front of the newly planted area.

The next work morning is on Thursday 14th October. The usual email will be sent out nearer the time requesting volunteers. I shall be away for the next two work morning and so Dave Clegg will be organising these.


A Selection of photos from the work morning

The view from the newly cleared area on the far side of the dam

The team working on creating the view

The newly planted area with the new "A" board

Landscaping completed

Peter returns the repaired wheelbarrow

© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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