We have been sent a copy of the results of the recent consultation regarding the paths around Forge Dam recently, and have been asked to pass the details on so please find the information below from the Public Rights of Way Officer.
The map above is provided to help locate the ones mentioned.
Dear all (Local Access Forum members, local councillors, local residents, FoPV members all BCCed in)
Firstly, apologies that I don’t have contact details for many of those who were at the meeting from FoPV. Please share my message with whoever you think appropriate.
It was great to see such a turn out and hear such a range of views on this valuable and well loved part of the path network.
After careful consideration, Claire and I have decided on the following ways forward:
Whether to retain or remove the horse hop and K barrier on She/54b
Retain for now, with extra fencing at the side to block the gap, and weeds within the horse hop to be removed. Consider replacing with better structures when these reach the end of their natural lifespan
Possible further surfacing works on She/517
Whole path to be resurfaced in autumn 2022 as far as the downhill section on concrete. Improvements to this steeper concrete section of path to be added to the wish list of possible future major projects. Encroaching vegetation around steep concrete section to be cut back further in the near future
Whether to retain or remove the gates at the end of She/517 or replace the gates with something else
Keep one gate locked open from now and keep the other shut. In the longer term, consider replacing with something better if and when funding allows. Signage on the path to be improved to warn users of the road ahead
Whether or not to allow horse riders and cyclists to use parts or all of FPs She/47 and 48. Their junction with Quiet Lane is considered a safer crossing point of the road than where BWs She/517 and 518 meet Quiet Lane
Trees at the She 517/518 crossing point to be cut back further to further improve visibility. She 47/48 to remain as Footpath. Highways have now been made aware of the need to improve road signs and markings to warn road users of the paths that cross the road in this area
Possible further surfacing works on She/48
None needed beyond tidying up when current construction works have finished
Regards Sam Sam Beaton (pronouns: he/him) Principal Public Rights Of Way Officer Sheffield City Council www.sheffield.gov.uk