Each year, outstanding examples of this work are celebrated through the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS). Created in 2002 for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, QAVS awards have been shining a light on the fantastic work of voluntary groups for many years.
I am very pleased to be able to let you know that the Friends of the Porter Valley have just been granted this award in the #QAVS2022
Equivalent to an MBE, QAVS are the highest awards given to local voluntary groups in the UK, and is therefore an immense privilege. It is a lifetime award and given in recognition of the many and various activities we do for the community.
It is of course a recognition of the work undertaken by all of our members and the varied activities we undertake. These include our practical conservation work mornings, walks and talks in support of nature, community support to improve play and sports facilities, public events like the annual Easter Duck Race in Endcliffe Park, and of course the impressive fundraising programmes for the restoration of Sheffield’s unique early industrial heritage in the Porter Valley in the shape of Shepherd Wheel and Forge Dam.

But none of this would have been possible without the sheer commitment of members such as yourself, and the many kind benefactors and supporters in partner organisations across the city.
I trust you will join me in making a specific and special thanks to the members of the committee, both current and past, who’s time and efforts cannot go unmentioned. We would of course not exist without their commitment, enthusiasm, and skills. So a very big thank you to the committee
And finally, a huge thanks to you.
Ann le Sage