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- 7 January 2023 | 10:00Sheffield S10 3TE, UK
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- Friends of the Porter Valley | Sheffield | Conservation
波特谷之友 保护 - 保护 - 恢复 成为会员 会员登录 保护 保护 恢复 Download our interactive map and guide For more details and instructions Document To find out more about us, and the status of the valley as a Local Nature Reserve, click on the link here About Us 发生了什么 此处提供了我们的活动和活动的详细信息。 单击事件以获取更多信息。 Our latest projects The Endcliffe Park Toad The Endcliffe Park Toad is a well known piece of public art, enjoyed by many who pass it. The original wodden version was replaced in November with funds raised by us over the year, including fromm the annual duck race. However, we are still a little short of our orriginal target and so we continue to riase the final funds. Please help us raise the final funds to replace the Endcliffe Park Toad. For more information see our dedicated Toad Page or click on the Donate Button here. Donate We are currently looking at improvements to The Forge Dam Playground In the Autumn of 2022 we completed a consultation of playground users and everyone with an interest in the Forge Dam area, and were pleased to receive nearly 180 suggestions and comments. We are working with those suggestions and comments, and are implementing as many as posible as and when funds permit. Details of updates that we have made can be found on our blags about the playground. Take a look at that section for up to date information. We are of course accepting donations via our own secure donation page. Donate 引导步行 About Us About the FoPV Find out who we are and what we do Find Out More The Rivers Trust We are assisting the Rivers Trust in monitoring the sewage being put into the Porter. Nature Counts Your Sightings Contribute to the Nature Counts initiative with your sightings in the Porter Valley Donate Make a Donation Click on the this link for a list of our current projects, or sign up to easyfundraising below to get online shops to donate to us. Help Raise Money for FoPV with..... If you shop online you can get the shops you use to make a small donation to us without any cost to you. By signing up to easyfundraising using the link below, you can download a reminder onto your computer which identifies shops you are about to shop with as ones that will make a donation to FoPV after you place your order. There is also an App for your phone if you prefer. Thank you
- Endcliffe Toad | Friends of the Porter Valley
The Endcliffe Park Toad The new iron toad shortly after installation. Donations Although the new toad is now in place, we still need to raise a few more pounds to meet the cost. To make a donation to the Endcliffe Park Toad renewal project, please do so here via our secure donations page. Donate Now The iron toad after one week. The Endcliffe Park Toad, seen above, is a well known piece of public art located a few metres below the Cafe. The latest version was installed on 5th December 2024 after almost a year of fundraising by FoPV, and it is made of metal by a local sculptor called Jason Thompson, who has also designed and made other works of art in Sheffield such as the 'Chair' in the Rivelin Valley. This is the third toad made by Jason to sit on this base. The first toad, in 1997, was jointly funded as a celebration of nature - by the Off the Shelf Literary festival, and Sheffield Wildlife Trust. Both wooden toads eventually deteriorated, returning them to nature, each lasting about 12 years. The remains of the 2012 toad can still be seen beside the holly bush beside the river. Reflecting the original heritage, the current toad sits on the open pages of a book, as with the previous two wooden toads of 1997 and 2012. Sculptor Jason Thomson, and Glyn Mansell of FoPV, visited Greystones Primary School and talked to pupils in Y2 and Y5 about the Toad project. The pupils were fascinated and later produced art and written work which was displayed in school and the Tropical Pavilion at the Botanical Gardens one Saturday in September 2024 . A selection of this work is inscribed onto the new ‘pages’ supporting the metal 2024 toad, some of which can be seen in the pictures below. The Watch We are often asked about the watch, so we asked Jason to explain. "It’s about time and the frozen nature of sculpture as the world changes around it. The new iron toad , if left alone, could last for ten or twenty thousand years compared to 12 to 15 years for his two wooden incarnations. The frog Prince of fairy tales also comes into it, but as he’s a common toad (Bufo Bufo ) maybe a nice watch is preferable?" Close-ups of the books
- Duck Race | Friends of the Porter Valley
FoPV 鸭子比赛 复活节星期一 他们又来了! 要了解更多关于 FoPV Duck Race 的信息,请向下滚动此页面。 或在此处输入您的联系方式,然后单击“立即购买”购买您的赛鸭。* 颁发奖品所需的电话/电子邮件 网上销售 六只鸭子家庭 - 5 英镑 从即日起至比赛日下午 2 点。 您可以在此处以每六只鸭子 5 英镑的价格在线购买“家庭”团体,只需在订单中单击您想要的数量(1 = 6 只鸭子),并请提供邮政编码和联系电话号码,以便我们在您购买时与您联系是幸运的赢家。 由于活动的受欢迎程度,以及多个销售点,一些鸭号可能有多个所有者。如果这些都是获胜的鸭子,则会联系所有所有者并提供奖品。 *在线鸭子销售中,鸭子编号根据购买日期和时间从 1 到 2500 连续分配。 (如果在线销售超过2500,分配将从1重新开始)。不幸的是,我们可用的技术不允许我们自动向您发送购买时分配的号码。如果您想在比赛前知道您的号码,请参阅下面的选项。 如果您想知道为您的订单分配了哪些号码,请在比赛当天发送电子邮件至 ,并附上用于下订单的姓名和联系电话,订购了多少只鸭子,以及您下订单的大致时间。请注意,这将是一个手动过程,可能需要几天时间才能回复您的请求。 Duck Race 2024 2024年4月01日 14:00 Endcliffe Park 詳細資料 To find the duck numbers allocated to a seat, enter the seat number in the 'Find Duck Numbers' search bar below Seat numbers are preceded by the Grandstand Letter i.e. AA1 * We have been unable to find an automated online solution that allows us to sell multiples of six ducks, which in turn sends the buyer a list of those duck numbers. We have adapted this system, which is designed for the sale of physical event tickets, and allocated groups of numbers to each 'virtual seat' so that you can look up the numbers allocated to each virtual seat in the search box below. This may appear complicated, however it is currently our best solution. 购买赛车鸭的其他方式 亲自 在 Endcliffe Park 和 Forge Dam 咖啡馆直到复活节星期天。 您也可以在比赛日从起跑线的摊位和 Endcliffe Park 咖啡馆附近购买。这些销售将仅以现金形式进行,尽管在某些时候在起跑线上可能会有卡选项(仅限家庭订单)。 个体鸭 - £1 六只鸭子家庭 - 5 英镑 赛马日当天,园区内还将多张二维码海报,带您回到可以在线购买鸭子的页面。 关于比赛 鸭子比赛在复活节星期一下午 2 点开始 快来帮助我们所有人倒数壮观的开始,观看我们的赛鸭进入河中。 使用独特的发射塔,FoPV Duck Race 将 2500 只编号的塑料鸭子释放到 Holme Wheel Dam 上方堰下方的 River Porter 中。它们顺河漂流约 450 米,在咖啡厅和游乐场之间专门设计的终点线上被捕获。 40 只鸭子按照完成比赛的顺序被捕获在一个金属丝管中,并一直保持安全,直到 FoPV 鸭子竞赛委员会制作、检查和核实获胜鸭子的官方名单为止。剩下的鸭子被舀起来放回它们的盒子里,在接下来的几周里将被清理干净,为明年做准备。 带上您的相机并拍摄大量照片和视频,我们很乐意看到它们。将它们发送给我们 图片 获胜的鸭子号码和所有者姓名(不包括联系方式 )将在比赛结束后几天发布在本网站上。比赛结束后的几天内,将使用购买时提供的详细信息联系所有获胜鸭子的所有者。 摊位从上午 11 点开始营业: 到目前为止,在比赛奖品上偷偷摸摸的喙 我们期待更多的奖品捐赠,并会在我们得到它们时将它们添加到这里 诺福克武器 – 2 人住宿加早餐券 Sheffield United FC – 2 张主场比赛门票 Ann Turk – Forge Dam 原画 Pagets – 100 英镑的代金券 饮食 初升的太阳——啤酒案 West 10 wine bar – 一瓶香槟 The Stag – 餐券 The Greystones – 比萨礼券 Endcliffe Park Café – 餐券 Forge Dam Café – 餐券 波拉德——礼篮 贪婪的希腊 – 代金券 拉科波拉 – 代金券 可可仙境 - 复活节巧克力 Porter Deli – 代金券 Fulwood Co-op – 一瓶普罗赛克 Crosspool Spar – 40 英镑礼券 星期日泰晤士报葡萄酒俱乐部 – 2 瓶葡萄酒 乐购 – 10 英镑的礼品卡 其他 Abbeydale Singers – 2 人演唱会礼券 Ringinglow 射箭 - £30 代金券 著名的谢菲尔德商店——锡制餐桌装饰 设计工作室 – 台灯、LED 瓶灯、奶奶星光瓶、发光标志、独角兽 轻巧,带嘎嘎声的织物鸭,2 支枪蜡烛。 Rhyme & Reason – 2 英镑 10 代金券 Brookhouse 花店 – 植物 用剪刀跑步——30英镑缝纫课程券 花瓣配饰 – 优惠券 画龙点睛——大号深海军蓝围巾和扭力式项链 烧制艺术 – 陶瓷课程券 2 张 Sharrow Vale 硬件 – 代金券 四把 Arthur Price 牛排刀 儿童玩具、书籍和美术材料